Etisalat Customer Care Number 24 Hours

Etisalat Customer Care Number 24 Hours
Etisalat Customer Care Number

The Etisalat UAE customer service team is contacted to verify working hours in addition to verifying the services and solutions that the company provides to customers as well. The customer can communicate through the official accounts on social media networks or via email or via the WhatsApp application as well.

Etisalat Customer Care Number

You can contact the Etisalat UAE customer service team via 101 from within the network, and you can also contact them via 8005800 or 800911. Non-Etisalat customers can contact the customer service team via 800101 to ask questions and inquire about the services and solutions provided by the company. [1]

Ways to communicate with Etisalat Emirates

The following table shows the ways to communicate with Etisalat UAE:

Communication method Communication address
Contact via phone number from within the network 101
Contact via phone number from outside the network 800101
Communicate via the official account on Facebook From Here
Communicate via email [email protected]
Communicate via the official account on Instagram From Here
Communicate via the official account on Twitter From Here
Communicate via the official account on LinkedIn From Here
Communicate via WhatsApp 971800101


Etisalat UAE customer service team is keen to receive customer questions, inquiries and complaints through the phone number or through the official accounts on social media networks. Communication is also made through the official channels to obtain technical support when needed.

Questions & Answers

What is the Etisalat UAE customer service number for other network customers?

The Etisalat UAE customer service team for other network customers can be contacted via the number 800101.

Can the Etisalat UAE customer service team be contacted via WhatsApp?

Yes, the Etisalat UAE customer service team can be contacted via WhatsApp via the number 971800101.

Does the Etisalat UAE customer service team receive inquiries via Facebook?

Yes, the Etisalat UAE customer service team receives inquiries via the official Facebook account.

Can the Etisalat UAE customer service team be contacted via email?

Yes, the Etisalat UAE customer service team can be contacted via email [email protected].

How can I get technical support from Etisalat UAE?

Technical support can be obtained from Etisalat UAE by contacting the customer service team through the official available channels.


[1]etisalat.aecode of practice for customer affairs27 فبراير 2025

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